There are fairies of kanji living in Bushunia.
Ameka-chan is a girl fairy born from a kanji character of “AME,” rain in English.
She can use magic when she transforms into “Princess Kammuri”.
Let’s be friends with Ameka-chan, and enjoy learning kanji characters.
You will know how attractive they are.
漢字の部首には「あめかんむり」「くさかんむり」など自然に関連するものが多くあります。 身の回りにある漢字を学ぶことで、水や植物の豊かな土地で古代文明が栄えた歴史学習や、SDGsが目指す自然と共に生きる世界観の醸成に寄与できると考えています。
Kotobanomikata Co., Ltd. created educational contents with “Ameka-chan” in order to help learn spontaneously kanji characters
There are a lot of kanji radicals concerning nature. For example, “Amekammuri” is the meaning of rain, and “Kusakammuri” is the meaning of plants.
We can learn the histories how Ancient civilization was prospered at fertile lands with river and plants by learning kanji characters around us, and hope to contribute a fostering of world view living with nature which SDGs aim for.
大阪・関西万博「TEAM EXPO」共創チャレンジに登録されています。